In a World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind

In a World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.”   -Bob Kerry

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If there is one thing this world could use more of it would definitely be kindness. It seems that true genuine kindness is far and few between these days. In a world where hate seems to be so prevalent, kindness is necessary. Being kind is something that I strive to personify in my everyday life. It’s not just being kind to those that are kind to you but I think even more so to those that aren’t. I think showing kindness to those that lack it can have a profound impact. Their lack of kindness says more about them than you, but your reaction to their lack of kindness is very telling of the type of person you are. It’s not always easy but it’s important to make a conscience effort to be kind in whatever situation we are dealt.

In a World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind

“Be the person that makes others feel special. Be known for your kindness and grace.”

I love a graphic tee as much as the next girl but I love them even more when they contain an inspirational or positive message. Cents of Style’s Inspirational graphic tees are right up my alley. They are filled with positive messages that we could all use as a reminder in our everyday life. You can find the collection here. It was hard to decide on just one (lets be honest, I will probably order several more). For me, the Be Kind graphic tee resonated the most. Coming off a presidential election year that was more charged and filled with more hate than I have ever seen in my lifetime to living in a time where cyber bullying has become rampant I think we could all use a reminder to be kind.

Grab you favorite inspirational graphic tee for 50% and free shipping with code INSPIRE17. Shop them here. Sale ends 1/22/17.

Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24

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